Is Your Business Ready to Get Back to Business?
Meta Lab DX is purpose built to serve your company or corporate event, providing best-in-class turnaround times at industry best pricing.

COVID Testing Options*
We offer 3 different specimen collection methods for Real Time PCR testing and the ability to staff your collection site

Nasal Swab Collection
- Traditional NP or Nasal Anterior Swab.
- Ideal for companies and corporate events

Observed Saliva Collection
- Safer Collection
- Less Invasive
- Improved patient satisfaction
- Ideal for companies and corporate events

Home Saliva Collection
- EUA approved for home collection
- Virus deactivation and preservation media
- Improved patient satisfaction
- Collect at home, ship by mail
We can provide 24-hour TAT from time of receipt
Contact META Lab Dx for better, faster COVID testing to meet your workplace testing needs